Thursday, March 17, 2011

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Panels "cover-ugly": who pays? The primary

Question to the Mayor: enlighten

The City of Mentone continues to spend money in questionable ways. Such as for the installation of panels via Rome, probably to cover the bad state of the walls of the buildings of the steps. To this question I submitted a written reply to the mayor, alderman for public works, alderman for the Budget and the Director-General of the municipality. Here is the text of the question.

Dear Mr. Mayor
now a few days work is under way for the installation of two scaffolding on the sides of the stairs leading Ara Garibaldina and more specifically by way of Rome. On these scaffolds were installed towels celebrating the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy.
no doubt a laudable initiative were it not that these media appear to have been installed to cover - and only partially - the indecent walls on either side of the scale who are in poor condition. Would not it be more useful to find a compromise with property owners to encourage the renovation of facades in question, since it is known that for months March 17 was a national holiday?
In this respect I ask you: 1) The procedure for award of the work to the installation company; 2) The cost of such works; 3) If was hired regular commitment of expenditure and on what budget chapter
Maurizio Ciccolini
City Council

Walls on Via Roma evidently degraded
and (above) supports mounted by the City

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Mentone Mentone

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

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I escape before any compliment, I am embarrassed, I do not know what to say. normally I would prefer not be told anything. listen to all though. I accept any criticism, I listen to everything I'm told, even the bad, even things that do not understand why I should be said, without batting an eyelid. first I thought it was the right thing, for the quiet life that he should not take it, or replicate, but, contrary to what I usually do, I do not think that's worth less than zero, I said, only that I overstated. no longer support him. like I'm full of everything I was told. and there is much more, than anything else.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

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over 5 days and Castelchiodato

150th unit of Italy: two days of celebration
Wednesday, March 16th and Thursday 17th are two of the middle days of the celebrations of the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy. The program set up by the local administration and the Executive Board provides a number of interesting appointments.
It begins Wednesday night with the Night of the Unification of Italy. At 21 in Republic Square, opening night (until 24) of the national museum run by the national veterans and veterans of Garibaldi. Concert with the band of Mentone and Castelchiodato with a parade of majorettes. At 23 flight of balloons, fireworks at 24.

The councilor Maurice Ciccolini, the director of the museum
Francesco Guidotti and tour guides in Rome

This program instead of Thursday. A 9 am parade commemorating Castelchiodato elevation Tricolore and laying of a wreath. The Tricolore will be displayed on houses and on the square. Will follow the concert with the band. At 11 am at the Park of Remembrance of Mentana inauguration of the plaque in memory of the day on 17 March 1861. Memorial Day with the representations and the highest military and civilian political offices in the city of Mentone and Rome. Performance of bands of Mentone and Castelchiodato. Rations at 13 Garibaldi at a fixed price in restaurants in Mentone. Also at 13 locations in Crescent tasting beer called "The heroic" in the beer Turbacci.
At 17 in the conference room of the national museum, the presentation of the book "Days of Mentana" Umberto Massimiani by the cultural committee "meets Mentana ... 2011."

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The reason for my candidacy today's Corriere della Sabina

My candidacy for the Corriere della Sabina and Rieti . My candidacy for the Corriere della Sabina and Rieti. Click here to read the article

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Why am I on candid

The site of the Voice of nordestromano on my job. Click here to read the article

Monday, March 14, 2011

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Tabellini: Monza-Salernitana 3-3

MONZA (4-2-3-1): Westerveld; Oualembo, Tula, Cudin, Barja, Gambadoro, Djokovic, Iacopino (89 ° Chemali), Ferrario, Ricci (79 ° Furlan), Masini (74 ° Prato ).
Facilities: Maggioni, Anghileri, Campisi, S. Seedorf.
Coach: Corrado Verdelli.
SALERNO (3-4-3): Caglioni; Altobello, Jefferson, Accursi, D'Alterio, Carcuro (46 ° Szatmari), Carrus, Pippa, Ragusa (73 ° Falzerano), Fava (73 ° Montalto) Ayres.
Facilities: Di Stasio, Balestri, Russian, Aurelio.
Coach: Roberto Breda.
Referee: Barbiero di Vicenza. Networks: 19 ° Ayres (S), 41 ° rig. Iacopino (M), 47 ° Altobello (S), 66 ° Djokovic (M), 69 ° Iacopino (M), 74 ° Jefferson (D). Booked: Oualembo (M) - D'Alterio, Jefferson (S). Expelled: Gambadoro (M) - Accursi (S). Corners: 2-5. Recovery: 1-6. Attendance: 809. Payout: € 9,737.00.

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's official: I am applying the primaries

Last night was formalized my candidacy in the primaries of the center-left coalition. the electoral contest to choose the Democratic candidate for mayor, IDV, and United Left Sel Mentana to participate in three. You will vote for the primary Sunday, April 3 from 8 to 22 in polling stations set up at the senior centers of Mentone, and Casali Castelchiodato. Residents will be allowed to vote more than 16 years.
Next Saturday, March 19, d at 18 assembly will be held in the Galleria Borghese Public presentation of election programs and not miss a debate between candidates on the issues most relevant to citizenship. I'm waiting!

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ZCZCADN0 Monday, March 14, 2011, 15:09
ROME: A MENTANA THE PRIMARY center April 3, three candidates
Rome, March 14 (Adnkronos) - The organizing committee for the center
primary Mentana has ratified the nominations to
primary . In the electoral contest to choose the candidate for mayor
of the Democratic Party, IDV, and United Left Sel
to participate in three Mentana: Marco Benedetti, Maurizio Ciccolini
Roll and Adelaide. This was communicated in a statement the Chairman of
promoter for the primary Mentana, Walter Midea.
will vote on 'Sunday, April 3 from 8 am to 22 seats in
set up at the senior centers of Mentone, and Casali Castelchiodato.
residents will be allowed to vote more than 16 years. The Committee
primary promoter of also set a 'public assembly
next Saturday, March 19. 18 pm in the Galleria Borghese
the three candidates present themselves to voters and will compete on
(RRE / Gs / Adnkronos)
14-MAR-11 15: 08

Sunday, March 13, 2011

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MENTANA - It 's the intersection of accidents: One day, a collision and the other as well. And the city council is silent and looks. He should ask the Province to build a roundabout, to lobby. But no. We speak of the intersection of Via Nomentana Two columns and where we are unfortunately accustomed to seeing men of law enforcement and rescue. The last clash was there Saturday morning, as evidenced by the photos. Three cars involved and fortunately no one was hurt.
Among the many criticisms that can be made in this disastrous administration of the center, there is definitely that he had completely overlooked the city streets and the problems associated with the movement. Apart from the crossing in question, just get around to realize how they have reduced the streets of Mentone: holes on all sides, marking non-existent road signs are poorly positioned and could go on and on.
What structures of roads is one of the topics which will assume the new administration, called to remedy the disasters of the right.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Homer Gets Hit With Chair In Bathtub

School in Mentone. Finally something is moving.

can tell you that the Provincial Administration of the Centre Left, led by President Nicola Zingaretti, began in February excavations for archaeological investigations in pursuit of the new building that will house the school, as evidenced by the photo below. The amount allocated for the work in the course is € 100 thousand. The total expenditure planned for the construction of 7 million and 400 thousand euro. The building will be the end of Via Caracciolo, Via Rieti crossbar.
As in previous years, it will be my commitment to encourage and ensure that the Province of Rome took place in the shortest possible time the school building that now all waiting for years for which I personally have always fought.

Friday, March 11, 2011

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Previous: Monza-Salernitana

2-0 Serie B 1951-52 1952-53 1953-54
2-1 Serie B Serie B Serie B 1954-55
3-0 1-0
1955-56 Serie B Serie B 1997-98
3-3 1-1 1-1 Serie B 1999-00
1-0 Serie B 2000-01 2005-06 Series C1 --- --- --- 2-1

Monza Wins 3 Tied 6
Wins Salernitana 0

Thursday, March 10, 2011

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against the closure of the Hospital of Monterotondo


published by Charles Sisk the day Thursday, March 10, 2011 at 18:33
( OMNIROMA) Rome, 10 March - "Any initiative to avert the closure of the hospital
Monterotondo is appreciated. It's fine the report of the Director-General
Brizioli illustrated by the new medical director Marco
Rollo at a press conference today organized by the Monterotondo
Right. " This was stated in a note to the Regional Adviser Charles Sisk
"The document confirms what we always said and what was
shown, numbers in hand, by the Mayor of Monterotondo
in all the meetings held on the subject. Monterotondo Hospital should not be
close because it has the numbers in order, all above the threshold
request, as the numbers of emergency room testified that
activity that has always been above the 25 000 operations per year. A
report submitted to that basically takes what was already stated by previous
Director General Di Pilla, who was also strongly opposed to closing
Hospital Monterotondo - add - and '
was therefore a mistake to place it between the hospitals to be converted . We
beaten with thousands of citizens and professionals to the hospital
understand the importance of a health care facility serving a catchment basin
than 250 thousand people. It 's a good thing then that today this
is also recognized by the current leaders of the ASL RMG with the same numbers
that we presented in the regional council. It 'surprising but
this report, before being made public or sent to the mayor of Monterotondo
has instead been made known by the medical director
just mentioned in a press conference called by a political party. The
medical director, as well as the general does not represent individual
parties or the majority, but must play an essentially technical
free of political implications. The fact remains however that at present, according to the decree
Commissioner Polverini the closure and conversion
Monterotondo Hospital has been scheduled by October 31. For
avoid it and ensure that the hospital should remain open Polverini
issued a new decree. Otherwise, the report would be presented today

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"healthy," two days of free health screening visits organized by the Italian Red Cross. Objective: To prevent disease

PALOMBARA SABINA - Information, prevention and control. These are the goals of "Greeting", the event organized by Red Cross Palombara with Sabina the collaboration of the Volunteer of the municipality which will be held on 12 and 13 March from 9am at the elementary school "Lorenzo De Angelis." The initiative funded by private sponsorship, offer free medical screening and prevention specialist. The doctors will be available for inspection cardiology, pediatric, dental, spirometry, eye care, breast care, while there will also be an opportunity to consult a nutritionist. To keep himself in control of your health, at the end of each investigation will be given a folder with the results of fully equipped health examinations, in order to be able to keep information. Worked together on the Italian association dentists (AIO), the Italian association of lung function technicians (Aitfr) and the Italian Association of Dietitians (Adi). The group Young and the Donor blood of Christ then organized for Sunday, March 14, a demonstration of maneuvers save the baby. It will also provide informative material on the numerous campaigns generally carried out by Cri on food, road safety and sexually transmitted diseases. (March 10, 2011 - ) Red

Monday, March 7, 2011

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boxes of defending motorists Mentana

What potholes on local roads is an issue that now is no longer news. The area of \u200b\u200bMentone is characterized by craters, ditches, holes and little holes. And how can you save the city. For example trying to point out the dangers to motorists. Today in via Spontini erupted a real crater and some of the residents has seen fit to "fill" to prevent a car (or worse, a scooter) we end up inside. May not even be able to ensure the ongoing maintenance of the roads? The images below do not require further comment.

Maurizio Ciccolini - City Council Mentana

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Nihonomaru Ikusa Otome Suvia

Discomfort in the center and outside of Mentone

Following the work which should be finished March 20, has been closed the main road through Mentone and traffic was diverted towards Rome, via dei Cannetacci.
converge on this road every day thousands of cars, buses and trucks of all types that are forced to switch to a slalom to avoid numerous potholes.
This situation creates danger and damage to both drivers and pedestrians, but at least the tire is happy, and mechanics.

mentanesi Two of the many holes, "joy" of motorists

Friday, March 4, 2011

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The leading daily Corriere della Sabina today

MENTANA - The center-left coalition mentanese chooses the primaries. We read about Facebook. Four political parties joined for the May local elections: election whose objective is to conquer the city government for several years in the power center. The candidate will be chosen through the primary coalition. By the 13th of the month will be announced the names of the official participants because the time is short as it will be voted on 2 and 3 April. Meanwhile, like any campaign you want to enter into agreements or at least you try. It was signed on March 1 the first draft programmatic agreement between political parties. So reads the document published on the most popular social network in the world: "... the Democratic party, Italy of Values, Freedom and Ecology Left United Left for Mentana announced its intention to form an alliance coalition is not closed on itself, but open to comparison with all the subjects (lists civic movements, groups, associations, neighborhood committees) who are interested in the same scheme to change the city of Garibaldi. "The Coalition reserves the right to announce in the coming days program guidelines to follow, but anticipates that those will be the main security objectives: the creation of the infrastructure necessary to ensure a significant improvement of mobility, traffic, services offered to citizens, the quality of life, the protection and enhancement of the area and of natural resources, cultural and environmental maximum transparency and fairness in the management of public affairs, strengthening and improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the administrative machinery and the economic recovery and employment, the construction of a model of environmental development, inclusion and social cohesion. They expect the names, it is possible that your ad will reach your network. Meanwhile, the election begins to melt the ice early yesterday afternoon and is the communication of the Ministry of the Interior has determined that the consultations on 15 and 16 May two days that it did flare up controversy because it would be averted by Government's election day and then to the unification of the polls with administrative referendums on such failure, the privatization of water and return to nuclear energy that, at this point, could be held on June 12. In all the 108 municipalities while Lazio will be voting (44 in the province of Rome) for a total of voters who share more than 700 000 people. All eyes on Latin America (102,372 voters), Pomezia (44,493), Terracina (37,365), Cassino (31,803), Ciampino (30 786) and Marino (30,264). Of the 44 municipalities of the province of Rome, seven are led by the center, five by the center and the rest from civic lists. That of May will be the first election in which the reduction will be adopted by 20 per cent of the number of directors.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

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against waste, vote on 29 for the referendum and administrative

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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Discomfort endlessly for mentanesi

also the voice of the north east Roman deals with the hardships of merchants and residents of the historic center of Mentone.

Click here to read the article

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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absurd death

A candle for Sara Scazzi, a candle for Yara Gambirasio,
a candle to Lt. Marco Ranzani and his 36 fellow soldiers died for a senseless war.
A candle for all children who are victims of dirty games for adults.