Rules for Proper
DPR April 7, 2000, No 121 Regulations on the use of flags of the Italian Republic and
European Union by the government departments and public bodies.
Published in the Official Gazette of May 16, 2000, No 112.
Having regard to Article 87, fifth paragraph of the Constitution;
Having regard to Article 1, paragraph 2 of the Law of 5 February 1998 22;
Having regard to Article 17, paragraph 2 of Law August 23, 1988, No 400;
Considering that under Article 1, paragraph 2 of the Law of 5 February 1998 22,
Government is authorized, after the parliamentary committees, to enact a regulation
containing implementing provisions concerning the exposure of the flag of the Republic
Italian and the European Union in the cases referred to in Article 2, paragraph 1, letters a), b),
d) and e) and paragraph 2 of the Act, pursuant to Article 17, paragraph 2 of Law
August 23, 1988, No 400;
heard the opinion of the competent standing committee of the Chamber of Deputies and
view that the relevant committee of the Senate has not
expressed in terms of its opinion;
heard the opinion of the State Council, expressed by the advisory section for acts
regulations, the meeting of September 20, 1999;
Given the decision of the Council of Ministers adopted at its meeting on March 30, 2000;
On the proposal of the President of the Council of Ministers;
issued the following regulation:
Chapter I - Display of flags outside the public buildings
1. 1. The flag of the Republic and the European Union are exposed, as well
that the sites mentioned by art. 2, paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Law of 5 February 1998 22, below
called 'the law':
a) outside buildings where they are located for commissioners of the government in the regions and
government representatives in provinces;
b) outside the locations of other branch offices of the State general management level or
management, twenty a district not less than the province;
c) outside the headquarters of the independent authorities and public character
national as well as their branch offices corresponding to those in b).
2. The flags are also displayed on other buildings within the public offices and institutions:
a) during the weekend of January 7 (Feast of the flag), February 11 (Lateran pact), April 25
(liberation), 1 May (Labour Day), 9 May (Europe Day), June 2 (Day
of the Republic), September 28 (popular uprising Napoli), October 4 (St.
Patron of Italy), November 4 (National Unity Party);
b) the day of 24 October (UN Day) together with the flag
United Nations
c) in other solemn occasions and the second directives issued in each case by President
Council of Ministers or, locally, by the prefect.
3. For the purposes of Article 2, paragraph 1, letter d) of the Act, the term 'offices
court' means the locations of all offices provided for in Article 1 of Royal judges
Decree of 30 January 1941, No 12, and of all offices of the prosecutor made at
them under Article 2 of the Law.
4. For the purposes of art. 2, paragraph 1, letter e) of the Act, the flags are
exposed in all schools of all levels, established by the State, and the premises of
central organs of government to each university, as well as at headquarters and in the individual
faculties and schools.
5. On the occasions referred to in paragraph 2, the buildings are decked with flags already daily
may expose additional copies of the national flag and the European Union.
2. 1. The national flag and the European Union, of the same size and material, are
displayed side by side on rods or spars the same height.
2. The national flag is raised first and lowered last and takes the place
of honor, right or, if an odd number of flags are displayed at the center. Where
are three fixed flagpoles and flags to be exhibited are two, is left free
central flagpole.
3. The European flag, even in multiple exposures in second place.
3. 1. In a sign of mourning flags displayed outside are kept at half mast. Can
fit the upper end of the luff two strips of black veil.
4. 1. Except as provided in Article 1, paragraph 2, the exposure time outside of
flags is governed in accordance with the following paragraphs.
2. The flags outside public buildings mentioned in Article 2, paragraph 1, letters a), b) and
d) of the Act, as well as those referred to in Article 1, paragraph 1 of this Regulation,
are exposed at the organization of activities of their respective offices.
3. The flags outside schools and state universities are set out in the days of
lessons and exams.
4. The flags outside the building in which they are located one or more polling stations are
exposed setting up their respective campaign offices of the Chamber at the final closing
of counting processes.
5. The display of flags outside the diplomatic missions, offices
consular and Italian cultural institutes abroad is carried out according to the instructions
issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
6. Except for the case referred to in paragraph 4, the flags, as a rule, are not raised before
sunrise and lowered at sunset. In any case, the external exposure of
flags at night is permitted only if the site is adequately
Capo II - Display flags in ceremonies
5. 1. If the national flag is raised in public ceremonies, she has the first
2. The public funeral ceremonies are applied to the flags of two strips black veil.
Chapter III - Display flags in public offices
6. 1. Within the public office the flag of the Republic and the Union flag
European Union are set out in offices
a) of the members of the Council of Ministers and Secretaries of State;
b) of the directors or owners of DGs treated in government offices
central state and the managers responsible for branch offices State having a
territorial district not less than the province;
c) of the holders of the highest constitutional position of the public on a national scale,
and holders of executive offices corresponding to those in b);
d) of the holders of the highest constitutional position of independent authorities;
e) of the heads of the courts specified in Article 1, paragraph 3;
f) The heads of the diplomatic, consular and Italian institutes of
culture abroad. To honorary consuls exposure is optional.
2. The national flag and the European Union are set out in the courtrooms of the organs
court of all levels.
3. The sites mentioned in paragraph 1 shall also exposes the portrait of the Head of State.
7. 1. In the cases mentioned in Article 6, national and European flags of equal size
and material, Auction items are displayed on the ground behind the desk and near
the holder of the office. The national flag takes pride of place to the right or center.
2. In mourning flags can adapt to the two strips of black veil.
Chapter IV - Final provisions
8. 1. Outside and inside public buildings are exposed flags of foreign countries
only in cases of conferences, meetings and international events, or official visits to
foreign dignitaries, or for similar reasons, ceremonial, without prejudice to paragraphs 2 and 3
Article 2, subject to the rules of etiquette to be applied on individual occasions
indication of the Government.
9. 1. The flags are displayed in good condition and properly deployed, nor on them,
or rod that item apply written figures or letters of any kind.
2. On each auction sets a single flag.
10. 1. Each institution shall designate those responsible for checking the correct exposure of
flags inside and outside.
2. Government representatives in the provinces shall ensure the fulfillment of the provisions
on the display of flags.
11. 1. They are subject to special provisions concerning military and other flags
bodies and organizations of the state and the rules, even customary, the
ceremonial military and internationally.
12. 1. The display of flags outside and inside the seats of the regional and
local authorities is the subject of the autonomy of their legislation and regulatory
administrations. In any case the national flag and the EU are exposed
conjunction with the entity's own flag or banner whenever required
exposure latter ', observed the dignity of the priority flag
Article 292 "Insult or damage to the flag or other emblem of the State " protection of the criminal code so the Italian flag:
"Whoever vilifies with expressions insulting the flag National or State symbols shall be punished by a fine of € 1000 to € 5000. The penalty is increased from € 5,000 to € 10,000 where the same act is committed at a public celebration or a ceremony.
Whoever publicly and intentionally destroys, dispels, deteriorates, makes useless or smears the national flag or emblem of another State shall be punished with imprisonment up to two years.
For the purposes of criminal law is meant to flag the official flag of the State and any other flag bearing the national colors