Saturday, February 26, 2011

Refinance Does Bank Matter

The inconvenience to the work center

MENTANA, February 26:

Today February 26, 2011 on a Nov. 3 and Piazza Garibaldi the work of collecting rainwater were interrupted for weekly rest. Tomorrow, Sunday, will be the same.
While the municipal administration so sensitive to the demands of traders, Massino intends to accelerate the completion of the works, why not ask the contractor to take turns and work even on Saturdays and Sundays?
Today at 10 am, at 11, at 12, via Garibaldi and Piazza Tre Novembre were completely deserted and empty shops. Tonight, same thing.
It is not clear how these activities can survive.

                                           ore 10
                                          ore 10,15
                                           ore 10,30
                                          ore 11
                                          ore 11,30
                                           ore 12


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